Mods & Patches
Coming Soon
MWBTG Feedback

This is a marker page for my MWBTG feedback.

Day One Feedback:

1. One branch from the tree next to the "flat" goes through the roof, and comes out one side of the house.

Steps to reproduce: Walk around the house.

Reproducibility: 100%


Ghost's Response: Fixed as of 4/Aug/02

2. The hangar for the banner to the left of the entrance to the flat is backwards. The part that is supposed to be touching the wall, is hanging in the air.

Steps to reproduce: Enter the flat, turn left.

Reproducibility: 100%


Ghost's Response: Fixed as of 4/Aug/02

3. The mannequins are set as corpses, and therefore have a "dispose of corpse" button. I'm not sure if there's another way to make the mannequins, so this may not be a bug.

Steps to reproduce: Hit a use key on a mannequin.

Reproducibility: 100%


Ghost's Response: Standard mannequin format. Nothing to do, though I wish I could get rid of that button myself.


Day Two Feedback:

1. All hangers with Starsigns are backwards.

Steps to reproduce: Approach a wall hanger and look from the side.

Reproductibility: 100%


Ghost's Response: Fixed as of 4/Aug/02
